Makaan Investment Group CEO Madina Shaik sat down with real estate magnate and Titan Talk host Eddie Wilson to share his journey of becoming one of the industry’s fastest-rising titans.

The show invites real estate leaders or “titans” for a behind-the-scenes look into their success.
“Madina Shaik is the titan of Multifamily. With extremely humble beginnings and only a few years in the industry, he rivals some of the largest private portfolios.” says host Eddie Wilson as he introduces the Makaan CEO.
The conversation between the two titans highlighted Madina’s impressive feat of building a formidable company like Makaan that now has over $320MM in Assets Under Management (AUM). A number that takes most companies a decade to breach.
Members of the Makaan Team were also interviewed on the episode to provide insight into Madina’s leadership style and philosophy. Makaan Investor Relations Director Ryan Landry captures the team’s confident outlook, “This organization really has no cap to how large it can get. I see us well beyond the 1-2 billion mark.”
$20 Dollars to Multimillions
With the goal to complete the journey from zero to a billion dollars in its first two years, the Makaan team is intent on delivering the best multifamily deals in Texas and further diversifying the company’s portfolio.
Beyond the heights Makaan has reached, however, host Eddie Wilson marvels at how Madina created opportunities to build wealth for himself and others.
Arriving in the US some three decades ago with just $20 dollars on his pocket, this titan has gone to great lengths to start his legacy in the multifamily business.
The host shares, “Madina has shown us that whether you start with $20 or $20 million that it’s possible to create massive wealth. Madina has paved the path for many others who dream of success and generational wealth. He has also proven that anyone with drive, humility, and perseverance has a chance at titan status.”
Watch the full conversation on Madina’s YouTube Channel here.
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