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z2b(Zero to billion)
Makaan Investment Group was founded by Madina Shaik with the goal in mind to help investors, family, friends and businesses passively invest in value-add multifamily assets, new development and commercial real estate to build wealth for generations in addition to leveraging tax benefits and reaching retirement dreams early. In less than one year Makaan acquired 2,535 units across 11 apartment communities bringing their AUM, assets under management to $322MM. The average target numbers of Makaan deals are an IRR, Investment Rate of Return at 20% with average Equity Multiples of 2.7x and cash on cash at 9% with average hold terms of 5 years. Makaan offers multiple channels of investments through DST, EB5, REG D, Syndications and land. Madina along with his team continue to make headway in the journey to go from Z2B (zero to a billion) dollar company in its first two years. Makaan Investment Group partners with the largest award winning property management companies in the nation while keeping asset management in house for consistent clear communication of goals and deliverables for their investors.
meet our ceo
Learn more about how Madina Shaik CEO of CompqSoft and Makaan Investment Group built wealth for generations by watching the full Titan Talk episode with Eddie Wilson here:

Makaan Investment Group works with investors who are dissatisfied with the low returns from savings accounts and bonds and investors who are concerned about the volatility of the stock market.
Makaan Investment Group puts discerning investors' capital to work for them by investing in exceptional multifamily properties in the best markets nationwide. Demand for multifamily rental units continues to grow and is driven by both the preference of certain demographics as well as unaffordable single-family homeownership options.
Makaan Investment Group, based in Houston, partners with investors for whom the stability of real estate investment appeals but the stress of property ownership does not. We give our investors the benefits of real estate investment through syndication, which is a group investment in a multifamily property.
Makaan Investment Group as the "General Partner" or "Sponsor" takes care of all of the work involved in the syndication. This includes every element of the project such as: identification, acquisition, management, and optimization of the asset. This means our investors enjoy a genuinely passive income stream.
Makaan Investment Group investors can expect their passive income stream to remain stable even in the face of market fluctuations. This is possible because the yield is secured by tenant leases, the terms of which are set by state and federal regulations.
By investing in a Makaan Investment Group multifamily real estate syndication our 'Limited Partner' investors enjoy multiple benefits. These include superior returns as well as the reduction of tax bills in real terms due to amazing tax benefits.
We Invest
Fearless but Educated Investments
100 Years CUMuLATIVE Experience
Leaders in Startup Investments
in Over
10 Countries
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our address
505 N Sam Houston Pkwy East Suite # 682,
Houston, TX 77060
For any inquiries, please call or email us:
Contact: 281-500-8554